Navigo Invest
Navigo is an investment company with focus on long-term value creation. The company primarily targets Swedish private companies in the SME segment. Navigo is industry agnostic and manages a portfolio diversified in terms of business areas in order to maximize shareholder returns over time.
The company’s main value creation strategy is to establish hub companies around which additional acquisitions can be made to consolidate a business segment, or in which additional customer offerings can be added, in order to build a more competitive market position. Navigo recognizes the importance of the entrepreneur and key personnel in businesses the company invests in. The business model is to combine Navigo’s strong business network as well as its operational, industrial, and financial experience, with the creativity and drive of entrepreneurs and managements invested in, to build additional value together.
We continue to make values visible through portfolio refinement, while at the same time strengthening our strategic focus by establishing new hub companies.